The Rebuild Lagos Trust Fund LTD / GTE

PD/CEO’s message

PD/CEO’s message

Dear Friends,

I am honored to address you and it is with great pride that I write this message to
you today. Our organization is committed to rebuilding and revitalizing Lagos, our
beloved city that has faced unprecedented challenges in recent times.
We have witnessed the devastating effects of civil and natural disasters on our
infrastructure and economy, and the resultant setbacks that have impacted the lives
of our citizens. But in the face of adversity, Lagosians have displayed incredible
resilience, courage, and a spirit of unity that inspires us all.

At Rebuild Lagos Trust Fund, we firmly believe that a crisis is an opportunity for
transformation and growth. We see this as a turning point to reimagine and rebuild
Lagos as a beacon of hope, progress, and prosperity. Our vision is to create a city
that is resilient, sustainable, and inclusive—a city that thrives even in the face of

To achieve this vision, we are working tirelessly to collaborate with government
bodies, private organizations, philanthropists, and individuals like you who share our
commitment to the future of Lagos. Together, we will make a real difference in the
lives of our fellow Lagosians.

Our focus is multifaceted, covering essential areas such as infrastructure
development, education, healthcare, job creation, and environmental sustainability.
By investing in the rebuilding of our physical infrastructure, we aim to create a solid
foundation for growth and progress.

None of these ambitious goals can be achieved without your support. I urge you to
join us in this noble endeavor. Your contributions, whether financial or through your
time and expertise, will make a tangible impact on the lives of our fellow Lagosians.
Together, we can rebuild a better Lagos—one that serves as a shining example of
resilience, progress, and unity.

I extend my deepest gratitude to the people of Lagos, who have shown unwavering
strength in the face of adversity. I also express my appreciation to our partners,
volunteers, and dedicated team members, who work tirelessly to bring our vision to
Let us stand united, shoulder to shoulder, as we rebuild Lagos and shape a brighter
future for all. Together, we will thrive.

Olujimi Hotonu