The Rebuild Lagos Trust Fund LTD / GTE


Request For Proposal Rfp/Rltf/04/21/001
Rebuild Lagos Trust Fund

It subsequently became clear that the objectives for which the Fund was established would better be realised if the Fund were reconfigured into a corporate PPP entity – private sector driven but with the capacity to receive and administer donor funds. Our objective is not only to Rebuild Better, but to act as a catalyst for future planning and effective resource allocation. Pursuant to this, the Committee has been incorporated as a company limited by guarantee.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

  1. Project Description:

    • The Rebuild Lagos Trust Fund LTD/GTE is charged with responsibility for the rehabilitation, reconstruction and expansion of critical infrastructure and other public assets damaged, lost or destroyed during the disturbances of October 2020.
    • the Rebuild Lagos Trust Fund LTD/GTE (RLTF) is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) to procure the services of professionals across different sectors and industries for the RESTORATION AND UPGRADING OF THE FOLLOWING PUBLIC ASSE TS: 
  2. Proposal Submission Details:

    • Scope of Consultancy Services to be offered (ii) Scope of the Design and Construction Documentation Stages (iii) Production Document Deliverables (iv) Programme/Time frame
  3. The Commercial proposal is to indicate the following:

    • Professional Fees Proposal
    • Terms of Payment (Payment milestones)
    • Applicable Taxes
    • Reimbursable Fees

We request that the above proposals be submitted at the Office of the Fund 97, Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island on or before 3:00pm on Wednesday 12th May 2021. Governance, custodial responsibility, efficiency, and transparency are among the primary watchwords driving this Private-Public Partnership. While the Funds raised are from private and public sources, the assets and institutions restored are public goods and services, and part of our common wealth. Rebuild Lagos Trust Fund LTD/GTE welcomes any requests for further information on any of the above. If you have any further enquiries, please contact the Procurement Officer on

Company/Organization Details
Contact person Details
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