The Rebuild Lagos Trust Fund LTD / GTE

Rebuild Lagos Trust Fund ANNUAL REPORT

Rebuild Lagos Trust Fund ANNUAL REPORT
On 26 April 2021, RLTF was incorporated as a company limited by guarantee to enhance operational efficiency and ensure accountability in the discharge of its mandate.

Make A Donation

Corporate Information___________________________________________________________3
Board of Directors __________________________________________ 4
Bankers __________________________________________________ 4
Secretary _________________________________________________ 4
Auditor __________________________________________________ 4
Asset Custodians ___________________________________________ 4
Asset Managers ____________________________________________ 4
Board of Directors Profiles_________________________________________________ 5
Message from the Chairman, Board of Directors________________________________ 12
Financial Highlights_____________________________________________________________16
Directors Report for The Year Ended 31 December 2021 ______________ 17
Board Finance Committee Report ______________________________ 22
Directors Report for The Period Ended 31 December 2021 ________ 25
Managing Director’s Report for The Period Ended 31 December 2021 31
Rebuild Lagos Trust Fund Sources of Funds and Expenditure Analysis _
Statement Of Directors’ Responsibilities about The Preparation of Financial Statements
44 Statement of Financial Performance ___________________________ 51
Statement of Financial Position ______________________________ 52
Statement of Changes in Equity _____________________________ 53
Statement of Cash Flows_______________________________________________ 54
Notes To The Financial Statements ___________________________ 55
Other National Disclosures ______________________________________________102

Other Projects

The Fund has identified
initial projects to spring board its raison d’être